Our Process

Working Together

Investing can feel overwhelming with so much conflicting information available. At Vector Financial Solutions, we simplify the process by carefully analyzing your options and crafting a personalized investment plan that aligns with your goals. Our focus is on clear, strategic guidance to help you make informed decisions and achieve long-term financial success. 

We identify your goals

  • Are you accumulating funds for retirement?

  • Are you retired and seeking monthly income?

  • Are you divorcing and seeking guidance with the division of assets?

  • Are you a business owner needing guidance with a retirement plan?

  • Are you an executive needing guidance with corporate benefits?

  • Have you recently sold a business?

We prepare an investment plan for your unique situation

We prepare an investment plan based on our discussions and sort through the maze of investments narrowing them by strict criteria, including:

Track record

Stability of the

Expense ratios
and fees

Performance relative
to assumed risk and
peer group

We talk about your comfort level with risk

  • Are you a market watcher, or are you less concerned with such matters?

  • Are you an experienced investor or new to investing?

  • We review the risks of not only being too aggressive, but being too conservative

  • We explain and review the concept of standard deviation as a tool to help measure and track risk

We implement your plan.

We establish your account with the following considerations:

  • We implement with a fee-based accounts rather than charging commissions to reduce conflicts of interest. We often recommend low cost ETFs and mutual funds.

  • Is the registration consistent with avoiding probate if possible? Do you have a trust?

  • If an IRA is your beneficiary designation complete and does it provide the most flexibility and tax advantages to your heirs?

  • Would you like online access your account?

We monitor progress and keep you informed.

We recommend changes when an investment fails to meet its
objectives or certain criteria.

Speak To An Advisor

A financial Planner Can Help You:

  • Avoid Costly Mistakes

  • Build Wealth Responsibly

  • Optimize Tax Savings

  • Make Better Decisions

  • Feel More Organized

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